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Worldwide shipping

Our story. Introduction ourselves.

Ciao, we are Rosaqueen. From a dinner date to a client meeting (and a plane ride).

Rosaqueen, the name of our brad, comes from the fusion of two words. “rosa” from italian: rose / pink and queen. It’s a registered trademark in Italy. Mainly deals with dresses for women.

Il nome del marchio è formato da due parole. “La rosa” dall’italiano rose e queen. La rosa queen è una delle rose più belle. Abbiamo un sito web in cui vendiamo direttamente ai nostri clienti in singoli pezzi. Rivendiamo all’ingrosso all’estero.

Accompagniamo i nostri clienti da una cena ad un meeting di lavoro. Passando per i semplici uffici. I grattacieli di Hong Kong sono il nostro posti ideale.

Brand identity:

We produce wholesale clothing for resale.

Rosaqueen worldwide delivery 

Our exclusive style are made with you in mind. We buy and design sophisticated, chic and modern styles we know you will live. We invest in superior construction and high-end finishes to make your Rosaqueen purchase a true representation of affordable luxury.

We promise we’ll do everything we can to make shopping with us a great experience! If you have any suggestion on how we can improve, please let us know! QUESTE PRIME 4 RIGHE COPIATE DAL SITO LULUS.

We daily work and thing on new style. Prevedere la moda non è sempre semplice e richiede attenzione ai minimi dettagli. Trasformare le idee in progetti richiede molta pazienza., accuratezza e passione. Il tutto unito assieme ad una grande rispetto verso i nostri clienti ci aiuterà a crescere piano piano.

Let’s our Dreams become true.”

We will always try to propose new designs in line with the fashion field. We will try to offer updated colors and styles. And easily improved with your accessories and bags. We will be happy if you will send us your pictures and show us how you can mix your accessories and bag with our clothes.

Worldwide shipping

Delivery from Hong Kong

Easy returns if demage

0 days guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

PayMe / PayPal / MasterCard / Visa